Google Penalty Recovery Consulting Services in Delhi

Yes, you can recover from Google penalties!

Google is cracking down on spammers in an effort to improve user experience, and employs manual penalties and algorithmic updates in order to target and demote these manipulative sites. Unfortunately, updates can hurt legitimate businesses who were ill-informed, worked with the wrong “SEO” firms, or who felt that these tactics were the only way to stay competitive.

We have worked with many clients who found themselves in bad shape before turning to us for help. We’re here to tell you that yes, you can recover from penalties and updates, and it is possible to compete without putting yourself at risk in the future.

Why Us?

Many SEO consultants can offer advice about how to recover from a penalty or Google update, but many of them fail to understand the difference between all the various types of penalties and updates that can harm your site, including:

  • Google Panda
  • Unnatural Links Warning
  • Google Penguin
  • Google Hummingbird
  • Anchor Text Over-Optimization
  • Link Devaluation
  • Exact Match Domains and more.

If you fail to identify what kind of action is harming your site, your response can actually do more harm than good. Most small businesses respond to updates and penalties by:

  • Deleting every low quality link from their profile and submitting a reconsideration request.
  • Becoming paralyzed in fear about how to move forward.

Neither one of these strategies is appropriate for recovery.

We will analyze your site, your traffic, and your link profile in order to pinpoint the cause of the drop in traffic. We will identify whether it was the result of a penalty, an update, or link devaluation, all of which are different things. We will then work together with you to devise a plan for recovery so that you can meet and beat your previous levels of traffic.

Finally, our location in India sets us apart by positioning us as high quality experts available at a reasonable price. Get in touch and we’ll talk about the best way to move forward.

Google Panda Penalty Recovery Consulting

Google’s Panda Algorithm was rolled to fight with duplicate content. It was a nightmare to web spammers as it ranked down all the copied content or spun content. Blogs with high bounce rate or 404 errors and poor grammar were mainly penalized. Fresh and quality content with good word count was rewarded.

 According to research by Muniwar Technologies, only about 7 percent of sites hit by Google Panda have fully recovered in the two years since it first hit the scene. Only 10 percent have made it back up to 70 percent of their original traffic. Is there any hope?

Yes. We can say for a fact that recovery is possible, and we have helped our clients do exactly that. However, as should be evident from the statistics, it’s not going to come easily. The problem with most Panda consultancy situations is that the SEO focuses on factors like:

  • Time on site
  • Grammar
  • Loosely defined “high quality” content
  • noindex
  • rel=canonical
  • new, “high quality” content and so on.

We do all of the above, as these is very important factors, but they are also just symptoms of the real problem. The fact of the matter is, Panda was released to eliminate search results based on a business model that they didn’t agree with.

That’s right. Panda isn’t just about “quality content.” It’s about evaluating which sites offer value that is consistent with Google’s own business motivations.

If your site was hit by Panda, it was because your site was evaluated (algorithmically), and determined to have a flawed business model (from Google’s perspective). This is not what web businesses want to hear, but it is the truth. To recover from Panda, you need to evaluate how Google sees your entire business model. That’s why our Panda recovery consultancy focuses on factors like:

  •   What is the perceived purpose of your content?
  •   Does your content have a unique selling proposition?
  •   Are you meeting needs that aren’t being met elsewhere?
  •   Does your site have the potential to create a “brand culture?”

Leaked Google documents have spelled it out loud and clear. The first thing Google looks for when determining the usefulness of a piece of content is its purpose. That is where we need to place our focus.

If all of this is intimidating, we understand. It’s not our goal as a consultancy to adjust your business model. However, we can offer input, feedback, and services to advise you on how your business model is perceived by Google. Many legitimate businesses have been hit by Panda because their online presence failed to create the right perception.

We will work together with you to address fundamental problems and help you restore your traffic to previous levels. Get in touch and, together, we’ll work out where to go from here.